About Christophe Sahli

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So far Christophe Sahli has created 7 blog entries.

First encounter with the Eurasian Lynx

FIRST ENCOUNTER WITH THE EURASIAN LYNX Following many days of scouting and hiding to hopefully once see the Lynx, the occasion finaly came true with the first snow of the year. On the 27 of november, I had my lucky day when scouting for a new location, at midday... Not exactly the exact settings I was expecting to see one! I

First encounter with the Eurasian Lynx2022-02-09T21:05:47+01:00

October migration

DUNLINS IN MIGRATION And a special guest... Dunlins are amongst very confident shorebirds, which are always a pleasure of seeing and photographing. 4-5 of them where staying for a few days at Yvonand and gave us opportunities with Enrico to spend a nice lunchtime in their company. A few days later, a Yellow-browed Warbler was kind enough to show itself at

October migration2021-12-15T08:00:11+01:00

Fall 2019 collection

PTARMIGANS IN AUTUMN COLOURS As an absolute fan of Ptarmigans, I decided to visit them during autumn to see the changing colours in the mountains and also the beautiful moult of the birds at that time of the year. As they are now turning towards their entirely white down plumage, they seek for snow patches to be better camouflaged and thus

Fall 2019 collection2021-12-15T08:00:26+01:00

Dotterel time

DOTTERELS VISIT THE SUCHET It's that time of the year again! Dotterels are passing by Switzerland now on their way to Africa. Two of them stopped at the Suchet recently and as usual it was a pleasure to see this beautiful species close to home... Tried to obtain a few original images, which is not easy because it is a species

Dotterel time2021-12-15T08:00:37+01:00

Winter time in Scotland

WINTER TIME IN SCOTLAND For once, this journey to Scotland was mostly focused on landscapes and about discovering new places in this fabulous country. Less animals, more time exploring, more time enjoying the view...

Winter time in Scotland2021-12-15T08:01:02+01:00

Ptarmigans escaped me this time

PTARMIGANS ESCAPED ME THIS TIME I recently decided to go camping in the mountains to try to photograph ptarmigans, my favourite mountain chickens, but things didn't really go as planned... No ptarmigans close to my tent in the morning! :-( :-( They actually were on a dangerous slope, exposed to avalanches, pretty far from where I was... I

Ptarmigans escaped me this time2021-12-15T08:01:17+01:00

A meeting with the Dotterel

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit sed quia consequuntur.

A meeting with the Dotterel2021-12-15T07:59:36+01:00
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